Thursday, 2 October 2014

Thursday's living

I usually start my day, head swirling, with ideas for learning, menu's to be cooked, groceries to be bought, lessons to drive to and self improvements to be made!  Inevitably I end my day feeling defeated, underachieved, overwhelmed and SURPRISED that another day has opened and closed with so little accomplished.  I know that I am missing the TRUTH about my life by focusing my mind on all the things "undone".  This blog is my attempt to record what we ARE doing and celebrating in the little steps we take each day towards living, loving and learning!

Oct 2 2014

Woke up to piles of snow -

Prayed with Mike this morning - opened my heart about my concerns for our children - prayed with unity and purpose - a great way to start the day

Watched Gabriella encourage Lily about something she felt embarrassed about - thought to myself, "what beautiful women they are growing into."

Straightened lily's hair

Helped Brett with Violin, learning notes, counting rythm, working on technique and songs.  I wasn't frustrated and it was really nice to learn music together.

Peter and I drove Lily to school and looked for costumes for her play "A Christmas Carol"

The creativity and happiness of children is such a beautiful thing.  Brett and Sophia hopped out of bed this morning and positioned themselves under a blanket to greet me as a giant wiggly worm.  I thought to myself, "what would my day be like, if I started it with so many giggles..."

Prepared dinner - roasted veggies

Listening to "Story of the World", making bread and writing in our blog.  The littles took their piece of dough and made a mini pizza while singing Italian Opera!  On to making  slingshot snowballs and snowcream (however we had no cream or syrup and honey and almond milk just doesn't taste the same).

Listening to Handel's "Messiah" while working on math and cursive.
Peter is awake and being used as a target for little slingshot snowballs (lots of laughter, including baby giggles).  Sophia is singing "Do You Want to Build a Snowman"

Peter is rolling - rolling chairs, suitcases, cars, and anything else he can find with wheels!

I find that as I write, I am becoming much more present to the joy around me.  I wish I could record the sounds of Peter's yodels and giggles mixed with the spontaneous, full voice singing and peals of laughter!

Received a phone call that frustrated me (from a family member) - prayed for help, talked with Mike, felt hopeful about my ability to be calm with my loved one.

Phone call with a friend - listened and learned about relationships and healing childhood pains.  I will try to implement listening from the heart when I feel annoyed by someone else. Slowing down and living in the present is the task.  I wonder if it's possible to keep time as my servant not my master.  It seems that "time" is the culprit --without it, I could be content to flow with moments.  Isn't that what I am trying to do with this blog; record and live in the moment regardless of the pressures of performance in "time".  

Taught voice lessons

A lively dinner - Peter squawking,  kids talking about their day, mom praising her own cooking, dad eating in silence - general positivity.

Gabriella playing her beautiful music.  Having an accomplished musician in the house is dreamy!  She brings so much light into our lives with her music, singing, playing the cello and the piano.  It brings her joy and fills our home with good vibrations!

Lily diligently working on her math, without complaint; Mike assisting her from the kitchen.

Peter's nose pressed up against the window, screaming to get out and be with the terrific two  who are still slingshoting snowballs and eating icicles!

Snuggles with Peter before bed, coercing him to let go of the big truck in his hand with promises of play in the morning.
The usual songs - "I love you so much and Dreamers holiday" - yet I feel prompted to sing more, to take this quiet moment to teach of the Savior even to one so young.  For him it is likely not a teaching, but a remembering. 
"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star,  60
        Hath had elsewhere its setting,
          And cometh from afar:
        Not in entire forgetfulness,
        And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come  65
        From God, who is our home:
Heaven lies about us in our infancy!"  William Wordsworth

The pictures I have taken today seem to be inspiring the whole family on to more and more creativity.  S & B donned cloaks and light sabers (using long bubble wands from the dollar store) for a play fight between star wars characters.  After our scripture study they set up a scene from the scriptures with playmobile and ponies!  They have had a good day, a fun day, a day to remember... As I have shared the blog with our family, it has seemed to fill us all a little fuller.  Our life seems rich when written on page.  The activities of today, while still present, seem to morph into a memory to be rehearsed at the dinner table or in the car, laughing and embellishing while speaking over and in between one another.  We are trying a little harder to hold on to the images of love captured digitally.

Mike leads the family in devotional. 2 short movies that provide inspiration for living outside oneself. I think a follow up to our brief discussion this morning.  The true story of the inspiration behind Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" - how relevant for Lily and Gabriella's play. I rub the shoulders of our oldest daughters, the desire to share my feelings of love through touch is a conscious decision. Sophia wants some too.  We read some verses from the Book of Mormon and talk about how to apply them to our situations - and they definitely apply!  Kneel for family prayer (we remind one another to kneel and it makes a difference).  It feels good to be working together with my husband.

Getting close to bed time. I fight the urge to think of all the things that haven't been checked off my list today.  I haven't found time to take care of myself, yet I am fulfilled.  There is  no greater joy for me than a happy home so it turns out I did take care of myself today.

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